TurnAbout 180
(770) 912-6192 

Turnabout180 certified Chaplains work independently with clients in completely confidentiality. You choose to speak in person, by phone, or by zoom. Yes, you get to talk from the privacy and comfort of your choosing. 

Schedule regular meetings with your Chaplain and work together to discern and discover how to deal with traumatic events, work through grief, and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

Sessions cost only $125 apiece and a sliding scale can be used. Half the fee is collected before, and the balance after each session. Multiple payment options are available, including check, credit card, and online payments.

Corporate Half Day and Full Day rates are available for companies that hire us to make our services available to their employees. Half a day is $375 while a full day is $700. Choose how often is best for your organization from daily to once a week, once every other week, or once a month.

Weddings, Vow Renewals, and End-of-Life Celebrations. We are able to help you with all your ceremonies. Call when you want to grow your church or need an Interim or Guest Speaker. Contact us to learn more.

You can also contact us at [email protected] 

​Please call us at (770) 912-0640 to learn how you can get started today.
Reach - Exceed - and Live Milestones
How it works . . .Â